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Voice of the Sacred

lets translate the sacred language of the stars

How planetary energies reach us

Astrology never had a strong theory about how the planets influence us with their energy. There have been astrologers who articulated theories about "stellar rays" (Al-Kindi), a sort of cosmic emanation that reaches earth and changes the way life acts (this being one of the theories at the foundation of alchemy & magic: chemical processes have different results depending on moon phase and other subtle transits, and magic depends on the absorption of these rays),
but there have been also theories about the sky being just a clock that is synchronized with the events on earth - no causation, just a synchronization, a mirror, "as above, so below".

When I started studying the Human Design system and its cosmology, things started to make sense. Here I found the missing link that astrology left in a veil of mystery: neutrinos.

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May this knowledge bring you home,

to your spirit and to your inner wisdom.


- Diana

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