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Voice of the Sacred

lets translate the sacred language of the stars


Diana Sab
Diana Sab
6 days ago

Do you have planets in Exaltation or in Fall?

What is your experience with them?

I have my Saturn in Aries (on top of that it is in conjunction with South Node)

While I am very Saturnian (most of my planets are in Capricorn & Aquarius) and I embody a lot of the seriousness, coldness and dutifulness of Saturn, I've always struggled to actually do something with my Saturn.

Because of the Capricorn & Aquarius in my chart, I have a dominant Saturnian style: I organize my thoughts I ideas very well, I love slowly and eternally, my knowledge and wisdom is extremely grounded, my life path is focused and committed - but this is the activity of all the…


Hi Diana,

How would you interpret fallen planets in a more mundane chart? For instance, a Jupiter in Capricorn in a business chart…considering no past life per se but it is still in ‘divine timing’ ?

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Apr 07
Replying to

It shows a weakness, something that is broken/spoiled/corrupted. The houses ruled by Jupiter in the business chart won't have much potential for growth.


hi Diana! Mercury in Virgo is exalted and in domicile?

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Apr 07
Replying to

Yes. And Mercury in Pisces is both exiled and fallen.

You'll see soon that Jupiter has a similar situation, because the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) have a duality element to them 😊


May this knowledge bring you home,

to your spirit and to your inner wisdom.

- Diana

P.S. Don't forget that all the content from this website is under copyright (and a couple of protection spells) and it is forbidden to share it. Thank you! 🤍

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