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Voice of the Sacred

lets translate the sacred language of the stars

Planet in sign Analysis  The Recipe

In most astrology courses you will learn the meaning of “planets in signs” and then the meaning of “planets in houses”, and every planet in every sign/house will have a more or less already-made interpretation that you can memorize.

You can find endless books written by amazing astrologers with their interpretations of the planets in signs/houses, yet there’s absolute no interpretation that can be considered “the right one”, or the “most complete one”, and this is because we are dealing with symbols.

When you read about what a planet in a sign means, you receive the meaning of the symbols as they were digested by someone else. The astrologer connected with the frequency of the symbol, they felt the very essence of it, they felt what is the message that wants to come out of that, and then they found words to describe it in their language.

It’s like a mama bird picking up worms, munching them well, then giving them to her baby birds to eat.

You can receive an endless amount of these “already munched” interpretations, “already digested” symbols, and still feel like you can't get the essence of it. And without feeling the essence of the symbols, you aren’t ready to create your own interpretations. This is where many learning astrologers get stuck.

This happens because you did not catch the worm yourself.

You did not face the real symbol itself.

You don't have a direct relationship with the symbol when you only learn from other's interpretations.

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I've had a little go at interpreting my Sun - I'm just looking for some feedback that I'm on the right track and i have understood before moving to the other planets.

Libra Sun – Identity

PLANET: Sun - How I create my identity, how I want to be seen by the world, what I can give to others, my direction in life.

POLARITY - it is focused on yang - the outer world.

My direction in life is about the outside world, to express and give to the outer world. Who I am has the karma to bring people together. I have something to give. I am here to connect people. My identity is built by me looking outside…

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
May 09
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That's why I think it's sooo important to receive feedback! Chart interpretation is very very subjective, we can easily get caught in our own traps. I'm glad I was able to help 💙


Hi Diana,

A question on the above.

Are we interpreting the energy of the sign amongst all the questions above, or just looking into each component individually?

For example, under Yang you have stated 'I am here to lead people somewhere' - is this based on just Yang, or Yang Aquarius.

My assumption is that its based on just Yang and then all the questions together create and interpret the energy of 'Aquarius Sun' but I wanted to double check before interpreting my own.

I hope my question make sense!

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
May 08
Replying to

It's the same! Whether you take it individually or thinking about the sign's meaning, it's pretty much the same, because the sign's meaning is made of the individual components 😊


Apr 29

First of all thank you for the exercise and for giving the elements that we can use to interpret the symbols ourselves. This is very important in my opinion! In fact, while doing the exercise that led me to really think and feel how the planets manifest in me - for some it was easier, for others still a bit difficult. For some maybe the interpretations are a bit different from things I have read here and there. Anyways, doing the exercise has been very useful, I might do it again from time to time as my familiarity with certain planets evolves. The exercise. is here for those who are curious:

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Apr 30
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Martina this is amazing! Thank you for sharing your exercise with us, it's such a pleasure to see how you apply the theory on your own chart. I have nothing to add!


Thank you for this post! It allready answers one of the questions I had, i.e. how the aethereal positions relate to the dignities/debilities. I'll be back soon with a first exercise. I have been absent for a while from this forum as I felt a storm sweep through my 2nd house these last weeks ... maybe something to do with this Libra-Aries nodal axis.

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Apr 26
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Welcome back, Peter!

I have a post inside the Private Group about the aether planets & their dignities :


May this knowledge bring you home,

to your spirit and to your inner wisdom.

- Diana

P.S. Don't forget that all the content from this website is under copyright (and a couple of protection spells) and it is forbidden to share it. Thank you! 🤍

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