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Voice of the Sacred

lets translate the sacred language of the stars


Neha Rao
Sep 01

FALL: Moon in Scorpio needs to accept that discomfort and pain often lead us to the depths of our being and knowing. That fear & unease help us quantum leap in our understanding of the depths of emotions available, and help us convert our pain into raw, potent power. Without the darkness, we wouldn't know the value of light. So despite the fears, despite the darkness, despite the unease, we jump into the unknown, only to rise stronger, invincible, with a heart so full of divine faith in our being, that no darkness can touch, scare us. Mercury in Pisces needs to accept that some concepts, some ideas are so all encompassing that words feel short to describe them, we are rendered…

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Sep 02
Replying to

Amazing interpretation, Neha! 💙


Neha Rao
Sep 01

EXILE: Jupiter in Gemini/Virgo: Once Jupiter integrates the groundedness, practicality and understands the core of its faith, it will feel more comfortable sharing its beliefs and faith despite no one hearing them, because it is deep and grounded faith. Saturn in Cancer/Leo: Once the wise master understands the passion and desire behind taking an action, is open to trying and failing like a child who does for the sake of the experience vs mastery, this saturn will start building true mastery who isnt afraid to make a few mistakes along the way and doesn't undermine the results if it isnt perfect

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Sep 02
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Yes 💙

For Jupiter we can add seeing the Truth from multiple perspectives and not going to the extreme "this one path is the only one, believe me!"


Do I understand right that Jupiter in ♊ will not believe or trust any spiRitual thing until their inner wise man understands it's all for playing a game?

Diana Sab
Diana Sab
Sep 02
Replying to

Less seriousness for sure, as well as seeing multiple perspectives, not believing only "one truth" but being aware of all of them - even when they're a paradox!


May this knowledge bring you home,

to your spirit and to your inner wisdom.

- Diana

P.S. Don't forget that all the content from this website is under copyright (and a couple of protection spells) and it is forbidden to share it. Thank you! 🤍

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